Shedid & Parrish – A New Vegan Haircare Range For Curly Hair 4 years ago IShelley Black Owned Businesses, Curls & kinks, Natural 2 ••• New cruelty-free and vegan haircare range for curls, kinks and coils
Deeper than hair: The evolution of natural hair 7 years ago Lawrencia Amfo-Asiedu 4C Hair, Curls & kinks, Hair, Mixed-race hair, Natural 66 ••• How these women learned to love their curls
Simply Amazing! Collection From 3Thirty Salon is Hair Goals 7 years ago JCousins Hair, Hair Gallery 106 ••• Hairstyles by 3thirty to suit your hair type or occasion
Natural Hair Journey: How to Stay Inspired and on Track 8 years ago JCousins 4C Hair, Natural 193 ••• Words of wisdom plus recommended websites and styles
Instagrammers With 4C Hair That You Need to Follow 8 years ago Vanessa Ojapah 4C Hair, Curls & kinks, Natural 68 ••• Follow these fabulous 4c naturalistas
The Big Picture 9 years ago JCousins Hair, Hair Gallery, Natural, Natural hair galleries 60 ••• Turn up the volume with BBH’s selection of over-sized hairstyles. If hair is lacking in body, cheat with the help of wigs or extensions
One click to WOW! 10 years ago IShelley Hair, Hair Gallery, Wigs & weaves 167 ••• was founded by styling savant Dionne Smith and is the UK’s shopping haven for weave wearers, which means, no more sh...
Tried and Tested Ways to Prevent Knots in Afro Hair 10 years ago IShelley Hair, Haircare & products, Natural 116 ••• Here’s our effective action plan to strand-saving detangling
Hair Gallery | 43 Natural Hair Styles 10 years ago IShelley 4C Hair, Curls & kinks, Hair, Natural, Natural hair galleries 199 ••• From the 3B’s to the 4C’s, from the loc’d to the relaxed and everything in between, here's some inspiration for all natural hair textures &n...