OK, CONFESSION: it took me a while to get on board the Olaplex bandwagon. Vogue touted it as the ‘holy grail for coloured hair’ and because I don’t dye my hair I thought ‘It’s not for me.’ Months later, international hair educator for the Colomer Group, Randolph Gray could not sing its praises highly enough, claiming it’s ‘amazing’ for afro hair’ and a ‘one-of- a-kind’ treatment pre- and post-protecting styling, So, of course my interest was piqued.
It’s a three step in-salon system that helps to permanently rebuild damaged bonds within the hair so it stays stronger for longer. Any form of chemical process or use of heated tools, breaks the link in our hair leading to damage, frizz and split ends.
Relaxing, texturisng, keratin treatments and colouring all take its toll on our hair. Even protective styling like braids and weave causes stress and disrupt the hair’s elasticity. This is what makes Olaplex so viable to all hair textures; it is a bolstering conditioning treatment used to relink and repair disulphate sulfur bonds within the hair structure that have been compromised from styling.
My appointment was at HOBB Salon in Baker Street. My stylist Jessica talked me through every step and answered all my questions. It is worth pointing out that this is not a protein treatment that can damage the hair if left on too long or a chemical process that alters the bonds in the hair. In Jessica’s words, ‘This is not a cosmetic treatment that will soften the hair like a hair mask. It is a hardworking treatment and the results will only been seen in the end.’
The first step consisted of drenching the hair with Olaplex Bond Multiplier from root to tip. It was very relaxing to have the cool liquid massaged on and there was no chemical smell. After 10 minutes it was washed out at the basin and a generous amount of the Bond Perfector was applied, gently combed through and in no time I was under the heated drier and back at the basin having it washed out.
This treatment takes no longer than 30 minutes. Thankfully with my stylist there was no tugging with the comb to work the treatment through. The results wasn’t shiny, soft hair, but instead what I got was no shedding during the blow dry (an absolute first for my hair). I’m sold! Who wants breaking hair when blow drying? I will definitely be topping up on this treatment in between texturisers.
● Olaplex at HOBB Salon, £35
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I agree this magazine could have been paid to just say all that.
I know, pictures or it didn't happen... Unfortunately the Black Beauty & Hair team member who tested Olaplex did not take any before or after images, but the positive results are as she stated. And contrary to what was suggested, no money was paid for this article. The brand weren't aware that we were on their radar for a long time.
It would be great to see before and after photos of the results!