New Model Agency For Darker Skin Girls Helps Their Self Esteem

Choco Media Models is a dark skin empowerment and model management agency that promotes darker skinned black models to help rebalance self esteem issues

Much has been made on social media on the positive lack of representation of darker skinned women in the media. Lupita Nyong’o did much to dispel the myth that darker skinned women couldn’t be beautiful. But despite the actress’s numerous front covers and editorials on the pages of the glossiest fashion magazines, there’s still a lot of work to be done to hold up darker complexions as a beauty ideal.

Dark skinned women are still being insulted, ignored or shamed. Remember the recent furore about people posting racist comments on MAC’s Instagram of a black model at New York Fashion Week? Or the NFL footballers Brennan Clay and Tony Jefferson who made fun of the dark skinned model in a bikini line up and then there’s the recent debacle on Zoe Saldana having to go blackface and wear a prosthetic to play Nina Simone in the new biopic, that got everybody asking, where are the dark skinned actresses who could have played this role?

Choco Models was founded by 22-year-old Kereen Hurley, a performing arts student. who explained, ‘There was a huge incident recently about a woman being too dark to enter Dstrkt night club. Social media can be very cruel when it comes to dark skin woman, criticising their skin tone and facial features. There are a lot of ignored comments about the lack of dark skin girls in the entertainment industry and this can ruin their self esteem. I started a new dark skin empowerment and model management company called Choco Media Models. It’s a company that empowers dark skinned woman in the UK, to help rebalance self esteem issues.’

Black Business Founder Sets Up Agency For Dark Skinned Models

Meet Kereen Hurley of Choco Models

By setting up her agency, Kereen hopes to help darker complexioned woman get more opportunities in the entertainment industry. ‘Dark skinned woman are frustrated about their lack of opportunities, creating Choco Media Models would create a huge difference.’

If you’re interested send your pictures and details to: Kereen says, ‘We welcome all types from curvy, slim, African, Caribbean, broad noses – the list goes on.’




View Comments

  • Hello,
    I’m at very interested in connecting with a modeling agency. Would love to joint the company.

  • Hey guys..
    @black beauty agency.. feeling exited and satisfied to see this support for dusky complection girls...and glad to say that I'm also interested in modeling but still scared about my dusky skin tone...I have enough height and also well maintained figure but I thought dusky skin can't enter in modeling...... daily I tried to being fit and healthy...I also do yoga and exercise....and know how to dressing...I am 18 years old ...
    I'm madly attached with fashion and modeling....
    @black beauty agency if you are reading this msg please help me for complete my dream....

  • Hi, I'm 16-years-old and interested in becoming a model. I am a Kenyan girl and I love everything about the fashion industry. I am dark skinned and have afro kinky hair. I would like to use my dark complexion to make a statement in the world. Thank you. I look forward to getting scouted.

  • I am Cuban and African American. I am brown skin and I am 16. I love singing, I love dancing, I love the camera. I am very easy on the eye. I promise I am slim thick, so model agencies don't like that. I just want to share my brown skin beauty and let all brown skin girls know that they are just as beautiful as light skin girls or white skin girls – we are all important.

  • Hi I’m 16 years old and I would love to be a model especially for your agency. I have always been interested in modeling since I was a kid but lately it has really been in my heart to start taking action.

  • Hi I'm Nolizwi Cele

    I am a dark skinned girl who is 22 years of age who really loves modelling and I wish to join your agency.

  • My dream is to be a model since I was a kid...I really would like to be a model one day

    • Hello
      I'm 21. A dark skin girl who's been laughed at since age 2 because of my skin color
      I'd love to be a fashion model
      I want to show myself to the world
      Please help me
      Because I believe you can

  • I am 59, and have desired a modeling career since the age of 22. At 5'10~142 I was told in 1982 that I needs to "lose" 10lbs, acquire a portfolio of pics, and come back...dark-skinned and livin' in Indianapolis, Indiana; my options were better served somewhere like at least Chicago. So, here I am wondering if indeed thru social media I can still provide the world with much needed essence, vibrance, black beauty/tempered now with wisdomatic grace and elegance, humorous stories, topped off with a listening ear for problem solving. I really just feel it would be an acknowledgement to me that yes, such a career would have been possible (if) not (you was dreamin') Just a professional photo shoot with the make up artist and stylist for fee (I'll pay it) I'm that curious...thank you for your time.✨✨✨

  • Hello iam from india iam 25 ..iam dusky skin girl iam interested in modelling ...please give me a chance ..

  • Hi, I'm Vivian. A mother of three kids, and interested in modelling for you. Contact me and you won't regret it.Cheers

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