New hair alert: Spotlight on Amelynaire Hair

The search for quality and affordable raw virgin hair is over. Let Amelynaire Hair become your new go-to destination

Founder Amelia

Hi Amelia, tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Amelia Posely, and I am from Chattanooga, TN. I’m a single mother to a son that is in high school. I have two brothers an older and little brother. I graduated from Chattanooga State with an Associates in Applied Science with a concentration in Physical Therapy. After that I went to TSU.

What’s your experience been like since wearing your own hair brand?
My experience has been amazing because I have my hair line that only provides raw unprocessed hair and I know with great care it will last for years. I take care of my hair extensions like my own hair. I wash, condition, and deep condition to keep the hair moisturised. I add raw coconut oil to my Indian hair when it feels like it needs a little more TLC to it. I love my hair line and what I provide to clients.
How has wearing hair extensions helped with your own hair journey?
The main reason I started my hair company was because of my hair loss from my autoimmune disease. Wearing hair extensions helped me cover up my bald spot, has given me confidence, made me feel beautiful again, and it also helped with protective styling and giving my hair a break from manipulation of combing and brushing my hair. Hair extensions helped me with getting fullness, thickness, and length to my hair that I have trouble getting because of my autoimmune disease.

Quality new virgin hair

Why did you choose to stock raw Indian and Cambodian hair?
I chose Indian hair because it blends so well with African American hair. I have so many clients who are natural and it blends in amazingly with my clients hair. Cambodian hair is thicker than Indian hair and I wanted to have hair for women who wanted hair that was thicker and it fit the description on what I was looking for. Cambodian hair has a medium luster to it, and it matches great with African American hair too.
What are the benefits of wearing raw hair?
The longevity of raw hair is better than processed hair. I had worn processed hair before and it irritated my scalp and caused sores, as well as, my scalp would bleed because of whatever that hair was processed with, and after the first was the hair started to dry out so bad that I had to cut it. No matter how much conditioner or oil I put in it nothing worked. I don’t want people to be spending their hard earned money on hair that didn’t last past one month nor one wash.
Since launching in 2015, your clientele has grown. What has been the secret to your success?
My secret has been keep providing the best hair to clients, listening to what people or clients are looking for when it comes to hair and textures, and praying a lot. Keeping God first and praying for his guidance in my business has really helped. Sometimes you have to let God help you along your journey and having faith that everything is going to work out in the end for the better.
What’s your bestseller?
The best seller is the raw Indian deep wavy to curly hair. I have a client that has had her hair for over 2 years and loves that it blends beautifully with her hair, when she flat irons her hair extensions it reverts back, and lastly how long her hair has lasted her with great care. She also loves that no one around her has that texture so she stands out in a crowd when she wears her hair in its deep wavy to curly state.
When it comes to choosing quality hair extensions, what are the tell-tale signs?
I make sure that it is actually from where the origin is for example Indian hair from India, Cambodian hair from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Vietnamese hair from Vietnam. Also, once I receive the hair I make sure it doesn’t have a weird smell, if I flat iron it that it straightens and reverts back. I also wash and condition it to make sure no hair dye has been used on the hair and that it doesn’t feel like straw after its been washed, conditioned, and air dried. Lastly, I inspect it for lice and nits to make sure there are none.
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