For millions of Black and brown adults raised and born in the UK, the animated classic The Snowman by Raymond Bridges is an instant touch of nostalgia that we pass down to our children each Christmas. However, Sal Stafford-Baxter, founder of natural haircare brand Root2Tip, says “I really wanted to create a magical animated short film that gives my two young boys, Hiro and Realm a chance to see someone like them with curly hair that also knots up like theirs, take an inspired flight with a magical Snowman.”
Sal goes on to explain, “When I was a child, my mother said I would always question why I couldn’t fly with a snowman, just like the little boy in the original Snowman animation. In our short film, we see our main character Knight, a child with a mixed-heritage background, take a magical trip with a delightful snowman that changes her hairstory.
“One of our founding principles at ROOT2TiP is that we exist to ‘Change a hairstory,’” continues Sal. “We offer daily advice to parents of mixed-race/Black children who say, “I have tried everything on her hair and it’s always so matted and dry, please help.
“This short film will connect emotionally with anyone with curly or afro hair. It will also connect with the many people who do not have textured hair. This is our version of The Snowman for the 21st Century.”
Knight’s Knot will be screened on the 18th of December 2022 in London. It will be screened at an event teaching children how to detangle their own curly or afro hair. For more info contact Knight’s Knot.
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