3 Essential oils that are great for afro hair 9 years ago BBH Team Haircare & products, Natural 154 ••• Three oils your hair needs
Hair's kitchen 9 years ago JCousins Hair, Haircare & products, Natural 76 ••• Naturalistas swear by the benefits of homemade hair concoctions
Keeping it real 9 years ago BBH Team Hair, Haircare & products, Interview, Natural 116 ••• Meet our natural hair agony aunt Sal Wynn-Baxter from Root2Tip
Shea Moisture Launch Event 9 years ago BBH Team Hair, Natural 159 ••• Shea Moisture officially launches in the UK
Natural hair pageant 9 years ago IShelley Locs & Dreadlocks, Natural 109 ••• The UK's first natural hair pageant
Mohawks Make a Welcome Comeback And We're Loving It! 10 years ago IShelley Hair, Natural 106 ••• Dionne Smith discusses the natural version of the Mohawk
Ledisi Look Book 10 years ago IShelley Celebrities, Hair, Locs & Dreadlocks, Natural hair galleries 91 ••• Ledisi teamed up with Design Essentials Natural to unveil new look book
Natural Stylist of the Year 2014 10 years ago IShelley Hair Awards, Hair Gallery, Natural 135 ••• Aycan Kemal – New York Hair Design
Braid Stylist of the Year 2014 10 years ago IShelley Hair Awards, Natural 78 ••• Michelle Garande – Afrotherapy Salon
Trend watch: Printed scarves 10 years ago IShelley Fashion, Natural, Natural hair galleries 192 ••• Score a quick glam-fix with a pattern emblazoned headscarf says stylist Charlotte Mensah