Girls Trip, is the the new comedy directed by Malcom D Lee (Barbershop: The Next Cut) which follows four lifelong friends––Ryan, Dina, Lisa and Sasha—as they travel to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival, where sisterhoods are rekindled and wild sides are rediscovered.
When did you discover you could make people laugh?
I’ve always loved to laugh and to make other people laugh. My family is funny. We’ve made each other laugh my whole life so I suppose it really started there.
To say your career is successful is an understatement! How did you get into acting?
I had a friend who was acting long before I was. She introduced me to her manager, but I was in graduate school so I really didn’t have the time to devote to acting. But after I earned my MA, I really delved in, studied and I met agent J. Michael Bloom. That changed everything. That was really the beginning.
Who do you play in the film?
I play Ryan Pierce, a successful author at the crossroads in her marriage.
You seem to have a lot of on-screen chemistry with your co-stars, how was it working with Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith and Tiffany Haddish?
I loved my co-stars – all of them. I felt so blessed to work and play with such amazing, talented and supportive women. And it was so much fun! Every day was filled with laughter.
It’s refreshing seeing a film with four beautiful black women just having fun but within the industry, do you find yourself stereotyped in certain roles because of your colour?
Stereotypes exist for everyone. I focus on the blessing of work and the opportunities I have in front of me.
Who inspires you?
People who are passionate and dedicated to love, self-expansion and God inspire me.
Hollywood is all about looking glam, who does your hair?
I have an incredible glam team who I’ve worked with for years. For hair it’s Justi Embree and now Oscar James as well.
How do you look after it?
I’ve always loved weaves. I still do, but eventually they took a toll on my hair. I had to stop and really nurture my follicles. Now I get regular conditioning treatments, I sleep on a satin pillowcase, and I wear wigs.
Any red carpet tips?
I like to cross the legs. I love a 3/4 side angle pic and I always flash a smile! And good posture always wins.
Which three beauty products can’t you do without?
Beauty Blender, Blotterazzi and lip gloss
What is your favourite perfume?
Inflorescence from Byredo
If you could do a sequel to any of the movies you have starred in, which one could it be?
Girls Trip because I had so much fun working with the ladies!
Do you have any more projects lined up for this year?
Yes I do!I have an affordable dog line launching called Puff Puff Paws. I also have a project coming out in 2018 called Support The Girls.
VIDEO: Girls Trip – Official Trailer 1 (Universal Pictures) HD
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